If only I have a pillow by the river. Love reading in a relaxing environment, though it's often hard to do it. Most of my readings are done at airports...
When a superhero saves thousands of people's lives from a terrorist attack and steps up as the mayor of New York City, how will he handle the everyday politic issues involving both supernatural disasters and real-world issues such as abortion? This series of comic tells such a weird combination of politics and superheros.
To be honest, I started reading this series because I loved the Saga series (also by Vanghan), and also it shares the same name with a movie that has nothing to do with this comic. It is novel to combine politics with the superhero stories. But I have to say many times I got bored by the politic debates.
My greatest complain about it is that in each volume it starts some great fight involving the protagonist as the superhero instead of NYC mayor. But it always comes to a quick ends without any follow-up to it. In the next volume, what happens in the previous volume seems having not happened at all. In the final volume, the author tries to weave all the open leads. It's indeed a not-bad ending. But the ending still leaves lots of loose ends for many of the interesting fights in previous volumes.